All Men are Good at Birth


No one is born Criminal, situation makes them CRIMINAL

When we were born, we were a clean slate and someone has written good or bad words on that slate and that’s what we become. We have the power to replace these words with positive ones to change our reality.

Circumstances like starvation, bad company, unemployment, domestic quarrels, and other psychological reasons make a human being a Criminal. Former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela very rightly said “When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but he becomes an outlaw.”  

Psychologists have come up with various theories and reasons as to why individuals commit crimes. Nature vs Nurture, the classic psychological debate is part of these theories.

Theories are Genetic Theory, Hereditary Theory, Psychosis, and Brain Injury Theory.

Genetic Theory

Genetic factors are an important source of influence implicated in a variety of mental disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety disorders may play a role in predisposing certain individuals to criminal behavior.

Hereditary Theory

The research on hereditary and crime has been studied using from basic research designs: Family Studies, Twin Studies, Adoption Studies, and Studies investigating the interaction between genes and the environment. In developing a meaningful conceptual framework for research being collected on the issue of hereditary and crime, it is essential to first understand which of the many behavioral characteristics found in criminal offenders may be influenced by heredity.

Psychosis and Brain Injury Theory

Psychosis Theory: In the Courts, psychiatry has several aims. It segregates individual offenders with gross mental abnormalities-psychosis, mental deficiency, and psychopathic personality. The distribution of these types of offenders with the aid of statistical complications seeks to understand they belong to the ‘normal ‘ group. From individual studies of the offenders there emerges a mass of material that helps us to appreciate the socio-psychological interactions of the criminals as a group.

Brain Injury Theory: In childhood and early adulthood brain damage may increase the likelihood of criminal behavior. This damage typically lowers inhibitions or emotional control affecting the way we respond to triggers in the environment. Childhood brain injury increases the likelihood of someone committing a violent crime by adulthood.

Innovative research carried out at the University of Exeter has exposed the link between head injuries and their association with respect offending among young offenders. Around 60 percent of young adult offenders report having suffered brain injuries, between three and six times as many as in the population at large.


When a Criminal is properly guided, jail would no longer be a penal institution but a reformatory one. Show the right path and kindness to a Criminal. Plants wither away for lack of manure and water, but they can be restored with a timely supply of manure and care. The same is the case with human beings. 

According to Mahatma Gandhi…”Offenders, Criminals, and Sinners are like patients and prisoners should be like hospitals to cure the patients both mentally and morally”

The social landscape is vital in raising a child with proper morals, values, and a positive belief system. It is a combination of both biological factors in addition to our social environment that molds each of us into who we are today.



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